Christmas is one of the most anticipated events of the year, so make it special. Whether you want to splurge or save, there are many ways to make the holidays unforgettable.Here is a selection of tricks that will make your preparations for the festive season a whole lot easier.Keep on reading and we’ll give you tips on how to have an epic celebration.
Different-sized lights

If you put up two sets of fairy lights on your Christmas tree that have different-sized lamps, then it will look far more eye-catching than normal.
Hiding the base of the Christmas tree

An ordinary cardboard box is a great idea for hiding the base of your Christmas tree. Just wrap it up in festive wrapping paper, and it will look perfect!
Reflective decorations

If you add a few reflective elements to your Christmas tree, it will create the impression of a much brighter tree with far more fairy lights. And what a beautiful sight that will be!
The proper way to attach decorations to the walls

In order to stick paper decorations to the walls, first attach a piece of sticky tape, then apply the glue on top of it. That way the decorations won’t leave any lasting damage to your wallpaper.
Making decorations from leftover wrapping paper

There’s always some pieces of beautiful wrapping paper after you’ve finished wrapping up all the Christmas presents, and which, most likely, you’re reluctant to throw away. Here’s a great idea for what to do with it.
A replacement for paper snowflakes

Making your own snowflakes out of paper and attaching them to the windows is one of the simplest ideas for holiday decorations there is. But how about trying to make them not out of paper but out of glue? This is a really great way to spark your kids’ imaginations.
Fairy lights for the home

The eternal problem with putting up fairy lights in the home is that the green power cable always draws unwelcome attention unless it’s camouflaged by the Christmas tree. However, grab a bottle of gold spray paint, and this problem can be resolved in matter of minutes.
How to wrap presents in no time at all

If you’ve run out of time to wrap up presents, try using this trick. Simply wrap up the item in ordinary paper, cut the shape of half a Christmas tree into it (or any other festive symbol), bend it outward, and it’s ready!
Ornaments made from salt dough

You don’t have to spend a ton of money on craft materials if you want to decorate your Christmas tree with things you’ve made with your own hands alongside your child. For instance, you can make decorations from salt dough, which looks just as good as clay. You can find a recipe to make white salt dough here.
How to make a tabletop Christmas tree

You can make your own miniature Christmas tree using just a few branches from a fir tree. Simply place the branches in a vase, and then decorate them.
How to make a festive bow in a few seconds

You really don’t have to spend much time on decorating your home for the holidays. For example, you can make this exquisite bow from materials you have lying around at home in no time at all.
Drying out pine cones

Before using pine cones as decorations, you need to dry them out and clean them. You can do this by placing them in the oven for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. This will help you avoid excess moisture and bugs coming into your home.
A festive cup

Buy yourself a pair of bright festive socks, and you can make an attractive warmer for your morning cup of coffee.
Candy ornaments

Edible Christmas tree decorations are something many of us remember with fondness from childhood. Here’s a fun modern alternative: melting down hard candy into festive shapes using cookie cutters. You can find detailed instructions here.